MNF热点文章排行榜Top 10 (2017年10月)

MNF热点文章排行榜Top 10 (2017年10月)

本文统计了Molecular Nutrition and Food Research在2017年10月全月访问量排在前十位的文章。

1. Probiotics, gut microbiota, and their influence on host health and disease

通讯作者:Borja Sánchez (Instituto de Productos Lácteos de Asturias)

发表时间:8 August 2016

2. The oral bioavailability of curcuminfrom micronized powder and liquid micelles is significantly increased inhealthy humans and differs between sexes

第一作者:Christina Schiborr (University of Hohenheim,Germany)

通讯作者:Jan Frank (University of Hohenheim, Germany)

发表时间:9 January 2014


3. Addressing theinter-individual variation in response to consumption of plant food bioactives:Towards a better understanding of their role in healthy aging andcardiometabolic risk reduction

第一作者:Claudine Manach (Clermont Université, France)

通讯作者:Christine Morand (Clermont Université, France)

发表时间:30 September 2016

4. Interplay between diet, gutmicrobiota, epigenetic events, and colorectal cancer

通讯作者:Scott J. Bultman (University of North Carolina, USA)

发表时间:3 May 2016


5. Gut microbiota, diet, andobesity-related disorders-The good, the bad, and the future challenges

通讯作者:Kevin J. Portune (Instituteof Agrochemistry and Food Technology)

发表时间:11 June 2016


6. Creatine and creatine forms intendedfor sports nutrition

通讯作者:Susanne Andres (GermanFederal Institute for Risk Assessment, Germany)

发表时间:30 March 2017


7. Specific inulin-type fructan fibersprotect against autoimmune diabetes by modulating gut immunity, barrierfunction, and microbiota homeostasis

第一作者:Kang Chen (江南大学, China)

通讯作者:Jia Sun (江南大学, China)

发表时间:24 March 2017

8. Bioaccessibility, bioavailability,and anti-inflammatory effects of anthocyanins from purple root vegetables usingmono- and co-culture cell models

第一作者:Hua Zhang (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada)

通讯作者:Rong Tsao (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Canada)

发表时间:29 August 2017

9. Talking microbes: When gut bacteriainteract with diet and host organs

通讯作者:Patrice D. Cani (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)

发表时间:26 August 2015

10. Trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO)response to animal source foods varies among healthy young men and isinfluenced by their gut microbiota composition: A randomized controlled trial

第一作者:Clara E. Cho (Cornell University, USA)

通讯作者:Marie A. Caudill (Cornell University, USA)

发表时间:3 August 2016


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