







主动:The candidatebelievesthat Congressmust placea ceiling on the budget.

被动:It is believedby the candidate that a ceilingmust be placedon the budget by Congress.

注意:如果句子的主语是匿名的,尝试选一个一般的术语,比如 “researchers,”  “the study,” “experts in this field.”



After long debate, the proposalwas endorsedby the long-range planning committee.


The data processing department recently presented what proved to be a controversial proposal to expand its staff. After long debate, the proposalwas endorsed by. . . .


The proceduresweresomehowmisinterpreted.


Every year, thousands of peopleare diagnosedas having cancer.


Visitorsare not allowedafter 9:00 p.m.


好的:The committee has to approach it differently.

坏的:The establishment of a different approach on the part of the committee has become a necessity.


名词化:Anevaluationof the proceduresneeds to be done.

修改:Weneed to evaluatethe procedures.

名词化:The proceduresneed to be evaluated.

修改:Weneed to evaluatethe procedures.

名词化:The stability and quality of our financial performancewill be developedthrough the profitable executionof our existing business, as well as the acquisitionor developmentof new businesses.

修改:Wewill improveour financial performance not only byexecutingour existing business more profitably but byacquiringordevelopingnew businesses.


冗余:In a situation in whicha class is overenrolled, you may request that the instructor force-add you.

简洁:Whena class is overenrolled, you may ask the instructor to force-add you.

冗余:I will now make a few observationsconcerning the matter ofcontingency funds.

简洁:I will now make a few observationsaboutcontingency funds.

冗余:There is a need formore careful inspection of all welds.

简洁: Youmust inspect all welds more carefully. /Inspectall welds more carefully.


(1)because, since, why  来替代??

<1>the reason for   <2>for the reason that   <3>due to the fact that    <4>owing to the fact that   <5>in light of the fact that   <6>considering the fact that    <7>on the grounds that   <8>this is why

(2)although, even, though 来替代

<1>despite the fact that    <2>regardless of the fact that   <3>notwithstanding the fact that

(3)if 来替代

<1>in the event that    <2>if it should transpire/happen that   <3>under circumstances in which

(4)when 来替代

<1>on the occasion of    <2>in a situation in which    <3>under circumstances in which

(5)about  来替代

<1>as regards    <2>in reference to    <3>with regard to   <4>concerning the matter of

<5>where . . . is concerned

(6)must, should  来替代 

<1>it is crucial that     <2>it is necessary that      <3>there is a need/necessity for

<4>it is important that   <5>it is incumbent upon     <6>cannot be avoided

(7)can  来替代

<1>is able to     <2>has the opportunity to      <3>is in a position to    <4>has the capacity for      <5>has the ability to

(8)may, might, can, could   来替代 

<1>it is possible that    <2>there is a chance that    <3>it could happen that    <4>the possibility exists for

(9)before, after, as    来替代

<1>prior to     <2>In anticipation of      <3>subsequent to       <4>following on

<5>at the same time as     <6>simultaneously with



(1)knows    来替代     is aware, has knowledge of

(2)takes    来替代      is taking

(3)suggests    来替代    are suggestive

(4)indicate     来替代     are indications



不必要的介词短语:The opinionof the manager


不必要的介词短语:The obvious effectofsuch a rangeofreference is to assure the audienceofthe author’s rangeoflearning and intellect.

修改:The wide-ranging references in this talk assure the audience that the author is intelligent and well-read.

不必要的介词短语: It is a matter of the gravest possible importance to the health of anyone witha history of a problem with disease of the heart that he or she should avoid the sort of foods with a high percentage of saturated fats.

修改:Anyone with a history of heart disease should avoid saturated fats.


常见的虚字结构比如 it is,there is,there are


虚字结构:It washer last argumentthatfinally persuaded me.

修改:Her last argument finally persuaded me.

虚字结构:There arelikely to be many researchers raising questions aboutthismethodological approach.

修改:Many researchers are likely to raise questions about this methodological approach.

虚字结构:It isinevitablethatoil prices will rise.

修改:Oil prices will inevitably rise.



(1)factor    (2)aspect     (3)area     (4)situation     (5)consideration

(6)degree   (7)case

模糊名词:Consumer demand is risingin the area ofservices.

精确:Consumers are demanding more services.

模糊名词:Strong reading skills arean important factorin students’ success in college.

精确:Students’ success in college depends on their reading skills.

模糊名词:Photography took on newaspectsduring the Civil War.

精确:The Civil War saw the advent of graphic battlefield photography.



生僻:cognizant of       简单:aware of, knows

生僻:facilitate           简单:help

生僻:impact on          简单:affect

生僻:implement         简单:start, create, carry out, begin

生僻:subsequent to      简单:after

生僻:utilize             简单:use



名词串:MHS has ahospital employee relations improvement program.

修改:MHS has a program to improve relations among employees.

名词串:NASA continues to work on theInternational Space Station astronaut living-quarters module development project.

修改:NASA is still developing the module that will provide living quarters for the astronauts aboard the International Space Station.

内容来源:《How to write and submit an academic paper in 18 weeks》 Steve Wallac




举例:Smith et al. investigated the relationship



举例:The relationship was investigated by Smith et al.


垂悬修饰语:To investigate the source of nutrients, eggshell membranes were compared

修改:To investigate the source of nutrients, the study compared eggshell membranes

垂悬修饰语:After analyzing the samples, the plants were measured daily

修改:After analyzing the samples, the research measured the plants daily






<1> Up to 90% of the energy in light bulbs is wasted in the form of heat


<2> The first edition of Tom’s earliest writings on dreams was published in 1899


<3> Drosophila melanogaster has been one of the most extensively studied species in genetics research






举例:We wish to suggest a structure for the salt and deoxyribose nucleic acid. This structure has novel features which are of considerable biological interest.A structure for nucleic acid has already been proposed by Paling and Corey.


(1)因为… 所以 …

(2)虽然… 但是 …


(1)BecauseI am curious about the Golden Age of Mexican cinema,soI listen to Pedro Infante’s music.

(2)AlthoughI listen to Bollywood music,butI do not understand Hindi.


(1.1)BecauseI am curious about the Golden Age of Mexican cinema,I listen to Pedro Infante’s music.

(2.1)AlthoughI listen to Bollywood music, I do not understand Hindi.


(1.2)I am curious about the Golden Age of Mexican cinema,soI listen to Pedro Infante’s music.

(2.2)I listen to Bollywood music,butI do not understand Hindi.




错误:The finance departmentfocuses onprofitsmore than the X department.

修改:The finance department focuses on profits more than the X departmentdoes.

错误: Country A funds high-tech innovation more than country B

修改: Country A funds high-tech innovation more than country B does

错误:The device formulated in this experiment exhibits higherluminance.

修改:The device formulated in this experiment exhibits higher luminancethan conventional models do.

错误:Girls scores were higher than boys

修改:Girls scores were higher than those of boys


学术作者喜欢动词,因为名词笨重,并且不表达行为,而动词可以展示发生了什么。当把动词转化为名词的时候,必须加入一些无意义的动词来使得句子完整,如undertaken, occurred, achieved, made, done等

原始:Enumerationofthree reasons whythe English language has become so importantwas made by Thompson.

修改:Thompson enumerated three reasons why the English language has become so important.

原始:Discussionof the challenges and strategies forfacilitationandpromotionof ERPwas performedbySmith.

修改:Smithdiscussedthe challenges and strategies forfacilitatingandpromotingERP.

原始:Criticismof the new policies has also been made by non-government agencies.

修改:Non-government agencieshave also beencritical of the new policies.



原始:Anobligationis placed by the law on the citizens of the country for the correct performance of theadministrationof their income records.

修改:The law obliges the citizens of the country to administer their income records correctly.

原始:Theavoidanceofthe introductionor theremovaloftoxins fromrivers byindustryleads to theimprovementof the integrityofthe environment and isbeneficialto human health.

修改:Industries that avoid introducing or thatremovetoxins from riversimprovethe integrity of the environment andbenefithuman health.



(2)寻找弱的动词,比如“to be”

原始:The participants whoaregiving assistance with the formulation of policy ideasarein agreement with the researcher to offer their view.

修改:Those who assist with formulation policy ideas agree with the researcher to offer their views.



技术文章作者通常更喜欢强动词,强动词就是用一个单词来表示行动,如compare, consider, indicate。弱动词需要更多的词来表示一个行动,如 make a comparison, give consideration to, give indication of

原始:Smith asks the questions as to whether conventional methods offer the best environment for execution.

修改:Smith questions whether conventional methods offer the best environment for execution.

原始:Smith makes use of examples of these various techniques to prove that innovation continues.

修改:Smith uses examples of these various techniques to prove that innovation continues.

八、“Argue” “Indicate” “Demonstrate”的区分

很多作者在写论文的时候,把indicate 和 demonstrate作为argue的同义词替换,这是有问题的,他们不是完全等价的。

当涉及到之前的研究中的观点,使用 argue

而indicate 和 demonstrate 通常用来描述事实或者已经被证明无可争议

argue还可以用来避免听起来对结果犹豫不定。比如“may indicate” “may suggest” “may demonstrate”都可以被argue加强

原始:The results may indicate that climatic change caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.

修改:We argue that climatic change caused the extinction of the dinosaurs.



(1)It is known that …     (2)It is considered that …   (3)It demonstrates that …  (4)It could be said that …  (5)It follows that …

原始:It is possible that participants between the ages of 18 and 19 responded differently than those between the ages of 20 and 21.

修改:Participants between the ages of 18 and 19 may have responded differently than participants between the ages of 20 and 21.

原始:There is a need for implementation of the policy on a large scale by the president of the association.

修改:The association president must implement the policy on a larger scale.

原始:It could happen that a decision to modify the model is made by the researcher.

修改:The research may decide to modify the model.

原始:There is a necessity for a semi-structured approach to be chosen.

修改:A semi-structured approach must be chosen.

原始:It was vital that quantitative measures would usefully supplement and extend the qualitative analysis.

修改:Quantitative measures must usefully supplement and extend thequalitative analysis.

原始:It is necessary that the best method to adopt for this investigation is determined by the committee.

修改:The committee must decide the best method to adopt for this investigation.


在写作的时候,我们经常用类似“show” “deal with”这种万能词,但是在一篇文章中,这样的词使用的越多,就越没有意义。如果你能选择一个意义更明确的词表示,也就是主动动词,就不要用这种万能动词。比如 将 “Chen dealt with” 和 “Figure 1 shows ”表达成 “Chen hypothesized”和 “Figure 1 represents” 意义变得更加明确



Phillip Chang proposes a mechanism explaining increased silica solubility in the presence of two small organic acids.


The results of this study challenge findings from studies about analytic concentration varying with sample location.


This study characterizes wetlands by their water chemistry and postulates that water chemistry varies with water source and wetland type.


Figure 4 depicts grain growth that occurred after the ceramic was sintered for three hours.



yield  illustrate  illuminate  reveal  employ  mean   suggest   clarity  indicate  represent  prove  insist  propose   imply   assert  postulate  consider  infer  state extrapolate  estimate  define  classify  invoke  analyze  compare  hypothesize  synthesize  summarize  disagree  generalize  narrate  evaluate  simplify  measure  note  predict  introduce  report  construe  challenge  delineate depict  interpret  provide  acknowledge  distinguish  inform  specify  restrict  determine  detail  sum up  designate point out  set forth   deduce  derive  characterize  guide  maintain  believe  speculate  present  organize  investigate  assess   determine  calculate  support  devise  construct   evaluate   attribute  obtain  assume  argue  reiterate  discover  decide


discharge  overlie  emanate  radiate  scatter  exchange  separate  surround  combine  eliminate  emit  transmit  carry  bombard  exert  exude  interact  behave  exchange  absorb   converge  extend  constrain  force  elongate  contract  trend  plunge  occur  fracture  continue  mix  slow  quicken  produce  bond  interlock  fuse  deteriorate  migrate  encompass  access  traverse  join  dominate  deposit  underline  overlap  originate  isolate  invade  permeate  evolve  divide  sinter  reclaim  restore  abandon  contain  accrue  precede  influence  saturate  circulate  forecast  orient  distribute  allow  lag  terminate  activate  cease  record  form  transect  condense  enrich  invert  convert  alter  link  superimpose  rotate  rupture  streamline  appear  require  ascend  descend  collapse  superpose  crystallize  bisect  cede  coalesce  disperse  disseminate  disintegrate  propel  repel  accelerate  transfer  penetrate  halt  curb





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