



2015年7月到2017年7月在德国马克斯-普朗克胶体界面研究所,胶体化学部门,从事博士后研究,研究课题是“聚离子液体的碳化和仿生智能驱动器”,合作导师是Prof. Markus Antonietti(H-index = 164,引用总计95163,2018年4月统计)和Prof. Jiayin Yuan(现任职于瑞典Stockholm University)。

2017年8月至今,在美国德克萨斯州大学圣安东尼奥分校,Prof. Banglin Chen(陈邦林 教授)课题组从事博士后研究,课题包括“仿生刺激响应的MOF和HOF复合膜”。

迄今为止发表论文69篇,其中第一作者29篇,包括国际一流期刊Advanced Materials和 Angewandte Chemie International Edition,以及化学、化工主流期刊Applied Catalysis B: Environmental,Journal of Materials Chemistry A,ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces,Chemical Engineering Journal和ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering。

第一作者论文中,影响因子大于10 的五篇,影响因子5到10的十篇,平均影响因子为7.11。

截止2018年7月7日,Web of Science统计,引用次数为984,H因子为19。担任Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, Chemical Engineering Journal和 Environmental Science & Technology等二十多个期刊的审稿人。另外获得三项授权的中国发明专利(均排名第二,导师排第一),以及“北京市优秀毕业生”、“中科院优秀毕业生”以及“中科院三好学生标兵”等荣誉称号。与中国科学院长春应用化学研究所、四川大学、德国Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces、瑞典Stockholm University、美国University of Texas at San Antonio、波兰West Pomeranian University of Technology以及奥地利University of Salzburg等国内外众多高校研究人员保持密切合作。


(1)先进聚合物基碳材料 研究目标:











(2)新型仿生分离、检测与驱动材料 材料应用:














因为课题组处于快速发展期,课题较多,人手严重不足。大家来了不用担心没有自己的课题。 对于硕士研究生,课题组的毕业要求是发表三篇影响因子5以上的文章,第一和第二篇文章,老师会全面指导,第三篇及其以后文章,老师会让学生充分锻炼,力求培养出全面优秀的硕士研究生。

另外老师更希望来课题组的学生如果做的好能继续留组读博士。 对于博士研究生,课题组的毕业要求是发表四篇文章,其中三篇影响因子5以上的文章和一篇影响因子10以上的文章。


对于博士后,在站期间年薪18-20万元,具体可面议。视研究表现和成果,享受额外科研奖金,并享受国家和华中科技大学规定的其他待遇,如住房补贴(或租住博士后公寓),子女入托、中小学入学等校内职工同等待遇。课题组负责保障进行研究工作所必须的充足经费和完善实验条件,创造良好的个人发展平台,鼓励申报各类项目,提供出国学习参加国际会议等访问交流机会。合同期满可选择续聘,或支持竞聘本校或兄弟院校教师岗位,或根据个人意愿,推荐至国外优秀课题组深造!。 有什么疑问欢迎咨询。


邮箱: jiang.gong@utsa.edu或者gongjiang@ciac.ac.cn 来信中请注明申请的类型,包括硕士、博士、硕博连读或者博士后,另外可以同时发送微信或者QQ号,以便交流沟通。

个人网站:https://scholar.google.com/citat … p;user=c2MEkyEAAAAJ https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jiang_Gong?ev=hdr_xprf http://www.researcherid.com/Prof … CR&Init=Yes


1. Jiang Gong, et al., Hierarchically arranged helical fiber actuators derived from commercial cloth. Advanced Materials 29(16) (2017) 1605103. (IF2018 = 21.950)

2. Jiang Gong, et al., Poly(ionic liquid)-derived carbon with site-specific N-doping and biphasic heterojunction for enhanced CO2 capture and sensing. Angewandte Chemie International Edition 56 (2017) 7557–7563. (Selected as 2017 Hot Paper, IF2018 = 12.102)

3. Jiang Gong, et al., Converting mixed plastics into mesoporous hollow carbon spheres with controllable diameter. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 152–153 (2014) 289–299. (IF2018 = 11.698)

4. Jiang Gong, et al., Striking influence of chain structure of polyethylene on the formation of cup-stacked carbon nanotubes/carbon nanofibers under the combined catalysis of CuBr and NiO. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 147 (2014) 592–601. (IF2018 = 11.698)

5. Jiang Gong, et al., Effect of Cl/Ni molar ratio on the catalytic conversion of polypropylene into Cu-Ni/C composites and their application in catalyzing “Click” reaction. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 117–118 (2012) 185–193. (IF2018 = 11.698)

6. Jiang Gong, et al., Nitrogen-doped porous carbon nanosheets derived from poly(ionic liquid): Hierarchical pore structures for efficient CO2 capture and dye removal. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4(19) (2016) 7313–7321. (IF2018 = 9.931)

7. Jiang Gong, et al., Converting real-world mixed waste plastics into porous carbon nanosheets with excellent performance in the adsorption of an organic dye from wastewater. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3(1) (2015) 341–351. (Selected as 2015 Hot Paper, IF2018 = 9.931)

8. Jiang Gong, et al., One-pot synthesis of core/shell Co@C spheres by catalytic carbonization of mixed plastics and their application in the photo-degradation of Congo red. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2(20) (2014) 7461–7470. (IF2018 = 9.931)

9. Jiang Gong, et al., Striking influence of Fe2O3 on the “catalytic carbonization” of chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) into carbon microspheres with high performance in the photo-degradation of Congo red. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1(17) (2013) 5247–5255. (IF2018 = 9.931)

10. Jiang Gong (共同一作), et al., Flexible and actuating nanoporous poly(ionic liquids)-paper based hybrid membranes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9(17) (2017) 15148–15155 (IF2018 = 8.098).

11. Jiang Gong, et al., Catalytic carbonization of polypropylene into cup-stacked carbon nanotubes with high performances in adsorption of heavy metallic ions and organic dyes. Chemical Engineering Journal 248 (2014) 27–40. (IF2018 = 6.735)

12. Jiang Gong, et al., Catalytic conversion of linear low density polyethylene into carbon nanomaterials under the combined catalysis of Ni2O3 and poly(vinyl chloride). Chemical Engineering Journal 215–216 (2013) 339–347. (IF2018 = 6.735)

13. Jiang Gong, et al., Effect of the added amount of organically-modified montmorillonite on the catalytic carbonization of polypropylene into cup-stacked carbon nanotubes. Chemical Engineering Journal 225 (2013) 798–808. (IF2018 = 6.735)

14. Jiang Gong, et al., Sustainable conversion of mixed plastics into porous carbon nanosheet with high performances in uptake of carbon dioxide and storage of hydrogen. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2 (2014) 2837–2844. (IF2018 = 6.140)

15. Jiang Gong, et al., A facile approach to prepare porous cup-stacked carbon nanotube with high performance in adsorption of methylene blue. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 445 (2015) 195–204. (IF2018 = 5.095)


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